What if I don’t brush my teeth? Here’s 3 Bad Things that Happen – Part 1

What if I don’t brush my teeth? Here’s 3 Bad Things that Happen – Part 1

So there are those times where we’ve come home late, we’re exhausted, and we’ve either had a good or bad day and we think to ourselves, I’m going to skip brushing and/or flossing tonight, I deserve to just go to bed, I’ve earned it!

Then you might think, well is it really that bad I miss brushing my teeth every now and then?

Let’s tackle that today. We recommend brushing at least twice a day for two to three minutes and flossing once a day. So if you’re not doing that, you could be on a fast track to one of the bad consequences below.

1. Gum Disease

Yep, gum disease, it’s gross and painful and can become chronic if left unchecked. Because you didn’t brush, you’ve allowed plaque to spread, and this causes the immune system to work harder and, in that process, destroys tissues & bones in your mouth! This creates areas prone to infection.

Your gums are not supposed to be red, swollen or in pain! Especially when you brush or floss.

2. Tooth Loss

You know it! Even if you just miss one time flossing or brushing, you’re giving the bad guys a chance to rot your teeth or at least progress further in growing a cavity. Then if you leave it too long, there goes your tooth! It’s just not worth the pain, time or money!

3. Dementia…

What? Really? Yes! There was a large long term study performed in America that suggests there’s a potential link between poor oral health & dementia. There were over 5,000 people in the study which went over 18 years and those “who reported not brushing their teeth daily had a 22% to 65% greater risk of dementia than those who brushed three times daily.” Want to read more, sources here and here.

There are plenty more terrible things that can happen to your teeth. In a future post we’re going to cover more items so that you can educated to the severe consequences of not keeping a regular oral hygiene schedule. If want any further tips or your questions answered, please give us a call on 0249616300 or feel free to make an appointment here.

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