Composite Veneers


Composite Veneers Newcastle

Composite Veneers are a conservative alternative to porcelain veneers.

They can be used in a variety of circumstances. Composite Veneers do not require any removal of tooth structure. Treatment occurs over 1-2 stages, and commonly no anesthetic is required.

The dentist will layer composite material to the front surface of the tooth. Intense UV light is used to cure and harden the composite material. The dentist then contours and polishes the tooth to create a natural looking result.

Correct care of your composite veneers will ensure their longevity. We recommend twice yearly check-up and cleaning, along with regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing after meals to prevent decay.

For exceptional care and the smile you really want, contact Boulton Dental Newcastle today.

If you’d like to book an appointment with Boulton Dental, then contact us, or call us in Newcastle on (02) 4961 6300.

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