Tips for an eco-friendly dental routine!

Tips for an eco-friendly dental routine!

You’re probably not thinking about what’s in your toothpaste, or where the old tube ends up after that final squeeze, or how your strands of dental floss pile up. However, you do care – and so do we! Also, there are many easy and eco-friendly ways that you can make small and straightforward differences without having to make any radical changes to your daily routine.

It’s your choice whether you take on just one of the things below, or decide to take them all on – every small bit helps. Little steps, taken by many can make vast differences.

Here are some small ways to make your dental routine more environmentally friendly –

1. Conserve water as best you can

First and foremost, one of the easiest ways you can save water (and money) involves a simple turn of the wrist. Turn off the water until it’s time to rinse and if you want to take it a step further, use a cup to rinse instead of your hand. Although it may seem like very little water, turning the tap off for just two minutes while you brush your teeth could conserve up to 30 litres of water a day – which is over 750 litres a month!

Secondly, the water temperature does not impact how clean your teeth are, and warm or hot water requires more energy – so when possible, stick to colder water.

2. Seek out eco-friendly dental products

These can be made from natural, biodegradable materials that leave a much smaller footprint after we dispose of them – products made from bamboo and silk tend to have a longer shelf life and degrade quickly. Often there are a few products that make up our dental routine, like dental floss and mouthwash or gels. These things work together to improve our overall oral health and keep our teeth in tip-top condition. So how can we reduce the impact of these positive habits piling up in landfill? Keep reading …

3. Brush up on your recycling

Call up your local recycling facility and find out how you can recycle your toothbrushes, tubes and floss containers. Some local facilities can’t recycle these things because they’re made of multiple materials fused together, but you can mail them to a specialised recycling centre for free, with a program from Colgate and TerraCycle. The recycling initiative accepts brushes, tubes, packaging, and floss containers of any brand. If this is something you’re interested in, check it out here:

4. Chat to your dentist about natural kinds of toothpaste

Some toothpaste may not provide the same oral benefits as others so your dentist will be able to help you find the best suited toothpaste for you.

5. Research what you really need to avoid wastage

We certainly don’t question your right to use whichever rinses, additional fluoride or mouthwashes you feel make a genuine difference in your oral health. Discuss with your dentist the necessities for you to avoid clutter that collects dust on the bathroom shelf.

The way we do even the smallest of things in our daily lives can have some of the most significant impacts across the board. Also, they tend to set positive examples for the people around us!

If you want more advice about being eco-friendly and maintaining great oral health give us a call here or make a booking online to see a dentist here

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