We say NO to domestic violence.

We say NO to domestic violence.

Being a Dental Practice, you may think that domestic violence isn’t a part of our business, but that’s not how we see it. We know, that as part of our community, we each play a part in shining a light on domestic violence.

It’s not just something that we talk about either. We’re committed to involving our team in a movement to change the way we look at domestic violence and reinforce the message that domestic violence is not ok.


The statistical truth is that females are at a greater risk of domestic violence. Given that our team includes 15 females, we want to be a part of the change. We want to tell society that domestic violence of any kind in unacceptable.


Boulton Dental are also involved with Got Your Back Sista, an organisation committed to helping women & children thrive and live independently after escaping the trauma of domestic violence.

Our team were a part of the Got Your Back Sista, ‘I say NO to domestic violence’ campaign to keep the conversation going that violence is never ok. The event saw over 500 people in the Hunter community came together at Hunter Stadium to make a stand against domestic violence.

This movement is particularly important to me as a father.

I want my daughter to grow up understanding that domestic violence is wrong and cannot be tolerated in any way, shape or form.

I want her to grow up in an environment that she feels safe and secure.

I know I can’t be there forever, so I want her to develop a strong sense of self worth, self-esteem and the confidence to know when to walk away from a situation that is potentially harmful.

My wife, daughter and I were a part of the ‘peaceful majority’ at this incredible event and shared the event with the Boulton Dental team.


I grew up in a very loving and caring family and thankfully I have never experienced anything like the stories I heard at the event. My heart goes out to all those involved in these horrible situations and supporting Got Your Back Sista is the least we can do.

You too can be a part of the change.

Got Your Back Sista needs ongoing support to help women in need that want to begin their life after domestic violence again. Sadly, too many victims are afraid to leave their current violent surroundings and break away from the cycle. The more traction and visibility groups like Got Your Back Sista receive in our community, the greater the chance that our most vulnerable will have to escape their situation and begin the life they deserve.

Be the person that steps in and says NO to domestic violence.

Be the person who continues the conversation.

Ed Boulton

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