Newcastle Emerging Artist Prize.

Newcastle Emerging Artist Prize.

Our practice enjoys being a part of the larger community and is proud to be in our fifth year of sponsoring the Newcastle Emerging Artist Prize. We congratulate Dylan Smyth who won the Photo-media section we sponsor and also to Maisie Neale who’s photo media entry “INFECTION” won the grand prize.

The prize is part of the work of the Newcastle Community Arts Centre which supports all sorts of community art activities from galley and studio space to drama groups. The arts are a very strong and integral part of Newcastle culture.


I became involved in the Prize when a dental client sought out sponsorship. When the opportunity arose, it just seemed to be a great chance to give artists a boost when they are generally struggling to finance their work. The first prize that year was outstanding and hangs in one of the preventative clinics in our practice. Be sure to take a look, you’ll never guess how the image was made.

It’s been so satisfying to give young artists careers a boost to help them focus on developing their art, rather than raising the funds. This type of encouragement really brings their work into focus. The prize is open to all artists who haven’t yet had a solo exhibition and is open to all ages. It was a lovely surprise that in this past year, one of my old school friends Michael Hanna made the finals.

We strongly believe that any business should be a part of the wider community and be involved in giving back. Our practice has always been seen as an innovator in the dental field and we are often approached for advice from dental bodies particularly in areas of preventative dental health and public engagement. So when an opportunity arises for us to be a part of the community in other ways, we are thrilled to provide support.


Given that funding for art development has been changed significantly for TAFE and the Newcastle Arts Space, it is important that local businesses, where possible, step up and play an integral part in supporting the Newcastle arts community.

Any help provided to the Newcastle Community Arts Centre would be greatly appreciated and we encourage you to get involved. We are very proud and grateful to the centre for including us in the Newcastle arts community.


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