Dental Health and Mental Health – How They Connect

Dental Health & Mental Health - Paul Beath

Dental Health and Mental Health – How They Connect

The more comfortable you are with the way that you look physically, the better you feel about yourself mentally. Your dental health has a direct connection to your emotions and over-all well being. Smiling can often be seen as a radar for happiness and when you smile, the process actually boosts your mood with the release of endorphins. When you smile at others it also triggers them to smile and send happiness back in your direction, which further increases your confidence to produce this reaction in someone else.

When people are uncomfortable with their teeth or smile they tend to fall into the habit of displaying a concealed smile, in which they don’t show their teeth. A missing tooth might make you more inclined to avoid speaking in a public setting. Some people experience social anxiety and tend to avoid general conversations; especially with people they do not know. This can make things really difficult when it comes to new employment and new relationship building – both socially and romantically.

While the appearance of our teeth affects people throughout the stages of adulthood, it too is present amongst children and teenagers. Feeling embarrassed at how one’s teeth may look compared to their friends coupled with the possibility of bullying provokes shyness, isolation or reluctance to participate in school activities.

A good, healthy smile is a feature that is often underestimated. When you smile sincerely it projects confidence and self-assurance. Every one deserves to have a smile that they love and if you’re currently unhappy with your teeth, then you know the impact this has on your overall wellbeing. Looking into ways you can repair your teeth and making that initial consultation with your dentist can help you take the first step in the direction of positive change. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to bring something to your dentist’s attention – they have seen it all!

Give Boulton Dental a call to start your journey to a happier and healthier smile today 02 4961 6300.

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