Author: Katrina Honnery

Healthy gums- 6 tips for getting and keeping them Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) is one of the leading causes of tooth loss among adults. Gum disease can be easily treated if it is diagnosed in the early stages. At Boulton Dental we are highly committed to prevention and taking an active approach to your oral health. We don’t want you to suffer pain or need to undergo costly and invasive procedures, which is why we do our very best to work with you to keep your teeth and gums healthy for life.

Sleep Awareness Week (1 October - 7 October 2018)

Tips for a better nights sleep

1 October - 7 October marks “Sleep Awareness Week”. For many Australians, getting a regular good night sleep is just a dream. For a growing number of couples, snoring and sleep apnoea have unfortunately become part of their routine nocturnal activity and is contributing to a serious lack of quality shut eye across the country and the world.
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