Have your chocolate and eat it too – 6 tips for a cavity free Easter

Have your chocolate and eat it too – 6 tips for a cavity free Easter


Have your chocolate and eat it too:

6 tips for a cavity free Easter

The good news is this: With proper precautions, you can enjoy a few Easter indulgences without damaging your teeth. So, go ahead! You can have your chocolate and eat it too this year, and still protect you and your family’s smile by using these 6 simple tips from the team at Boulton Dental.

  1. Stick with chocolate

If you’re thinking about offering lollies instead of chocolate, think again. Limit your consumption of lollies and other sweet treats that are sticky or gummy. While marshmallows, caramels, and jelly beans are tasty, it’s better for you to indulge your sweet tooth with chocolate or other treats that will not stick to your teeth as easily. Additionally, avoid sweets that are very hard as they can more easily break or chip your tooth enamel.

  1. Don’t be a grazer

Munching on chocolates and lollies all day long is not only bad for your waistline, but also bad for your teeth. So, eat the chocolate post egg hunt and then step away from the Easter eggs.

About 20 minutes after you eat, your saliva begins to neutralise the acids that are formed by the bacteria in your mouth. The more frequently that you eat, the longer your tooth enamel will be exposed to cavity-causing acids. If you can manage it, eat a crunchy food like an apple or carrot after you have something sweet. The texture of the crisp fruit will help scour some of the plaque from your teeth and freshen your breath. Wait several hours between eating to keep your teeth in optimal condition.

  1. Rinse it

While it may be tempting to brush after every indulgence, experts explain that brushing immediately after eating or drinking acid foods such as carbonated drinks, citrus or white wine can do more damage than good. That is because your tooth enamel is softer while it is under attack from the acids in your mouth. Waiting a bit will help your enamel harden. Dentists recommend simply rinsing your mouth with water after eating a sweet treat. Plain water helps the saliva do the job of neutralising the pH of the mouth.

  1. Practice good oral hygiene

As always, you should brush twice a day. Be sure that you are brushing your teeth gently, with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing too hard can scour away tooth enamel or damage your gums. To keep your teeth extra healthy, floss every night before you brush your teeth. Tooth brushing should take about two or three minutes every morning and night, and you should follow your brushing with a thorough flossing at least once per day. There is really no reason to brush your teeth more often than twice a day, even if you are indulging in sweets.

Always go to bed with clean teeth to avoid exposing your teeth to acids all night long.

  1. Drink plenty of water

If you have a chronic dry mouth, you are at a higher risk for cavities. Your saliva can’t do its job properly if your mouth is dry. You can rinse your mouth throughout the day by drinking plenty of water if you have a medical condition that makes you have a dry mouth. However, if no medical condition is present, your mouth may be dry because you are not fully hydrated. Try sipping on a water bottle all day for several days, and you may find that your mouth is no longer dry. Also after eating those treats, try chewing sugar free chewing gum and stimulate saliva to wash away that dangerous acid.

Limit fizzy drinks during the Easter festivities and stick to H20.

  1. Visit the Dentist

After the Easter bunny has ben and gone and the Easter egg wrappers are the only evidence of your yearly indulgences, you may want to make appointments for the whole family at the dentist for a clean and check-up.

The dentists at Boulton Dental will use specialised tools to remove plaque from the teeth that can cause tooth decay. They will give you a dental deep clean to make sure that your teeth are sparkling clean and healthy. Additionally, they will thoroughly examine your teeth and those of your children for any decay that might be developing.

By using these simple tips and making them a part of your daily dental hygiene habits, you can have beautiful, disease-free teeth and enjoy the sweet treats of Easter and every other chocolate-filled holiday too.

Call us today on 02 4961 6300 to book your post Easter check- up and clean and enjoy a guilt free Easter from the team at Boulton Dental.




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