13 May 4 things that stain your teeth
Stains on the external surface of the tooth is known as extrinsic tooth discolouration. This can occur when stain particles (like residue from food or drink) build up in the tooth enamel. Teeth can become stained for many reasons, but most points towards the food and drinks we consume. Below are 4 common culprits to be aware of when it comes to teeth staining and how to prevent it!
- Alcohol
The hues in red wine and other dark liquor, as well as common mixers such as Coca Cola contain tannins that can have long lasting effects on the colour of our teeth. They are also highly acidic which can break down tooth enamel, this coupled with additional artificial colouring can result in staining.
- Coffee
This is a big one – sorry to all the coffee lovers out there! Coffee contains dark pigments that can result in staining and discolouration of our teeth, as well as the acidity of coffee weakens the tooth enamel making them prone to further staining. Diluted milk coffee is always best and keeping a glass of water handy afterwards is a good idea, this will help wash away residue left in the mouth.
- Acidic and citrus fruit
Highly acidic and citrus fruits break down tooth enamel and leave it open and softened for further discolouration. If your enamel is softened, brushing your teeth straight after can wear away protective enamel. Rinse your mouth with water first and wait 30 minutes to an hour before brushing to allow the teeth to re-mineralise.
- Nicotine and tobacco
While nicotine and tobacco have an overall negative effect on our dental health, the stains from smoking or chewing tend to become darker and much harder to remove if left for long periods of time. This is because stains will settle deep into the enamel, so it’s highly recommended to lock in regular professional cleans to avoid tartar and plaque build-up from occurring.
If you do find yourself consuming all or most of these foods, that is okay! It’s most important that you are aware of the effects and can counteract them with good dental habits.
Limit your intake where you can and stay on top of consistent, daily teeth brushing and flossing. Although it may be obvious, these two things can sometimes be forgotten about and are the biggest help of all. It doesn’t hurt to keep a toothbrush at your desk – vigorous daily rituals make the biggest difference over time!
It’s also important to be on top of regular dentist visits to ensure professional cleans, this prevents any onset of long-term discolouration and plaque build-up can be spotted and treated early on. So feel free to book an appointment with us online here or give us a call on 0249616300
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