Boulton Dentals oral health guide for surviving the silly season

Boulton Dentals oral health guide for surviving the silly season

Boulton Dentals oral health guide for surviving the silly season

Tis the season to be jolly! With Christmas parties on the rise and afternoon drinks and nibbles in the sun becoming routine, our team at Boulton Dental have come up with a handy oral health guide to help you survive and keep smiling this Christmas.

We have lined up 8 key tips for avoiding cavities and keeping you and your teeth healthy and well during this festive season and beyond.

  1. Timing is key

The biggest factor for the development of cavities is the length of time sugars are staying in your mouth. Try to squeeze in some cheeky brushes between meals, treats and drinks over the holiday period. This is the key to not letting those nasty sugars combine with the natural bacteria in your mouth and causing trouble.

  1. Replace your tooth brush

While everyone’s getting new gifts, it is time to think about your teeth too. You should be replacing your brush every three months or after illness! If your child is flailing in their willingness to stick with a set brushing habit, what better time to get them a special toothbrush as a stocking filler.

  1. Don’t forget to floss

This seems to be the most forgotten or disregarded chore for most, yet it plays such an important role in effective oral health especially after those sugary meals. Flossing is designed to get into the spaces between your teeth that brushing along simply cannot.

View our tips for flossing HERE

  1. Drink plenty of H20

Our Aussie summer is hot. It’s easy to get caught up in festive activities and forget about hydration. Not only will keeping up your water intake keep you hydrated in the summer heat, water will help flush out the sugars and other nasties from what you have been eating and drinking.

  1. Book your dental check up

Seeing a dentist on a regular basis is vital to keeping teeth in optimal working order and for general good health. The traditional rule of thumb is to visit the dentist every six months, so why not add it to your ‘to do list’ and book in an appointment in the lead up to Christmas and ensure that your smile is healthy and well.

  1. Everything in moderation

Oh no, Moderation, the dreaded word of the silly season. We don’t want to join in the nagging crowd of health professionals, but alas, it is a key way to keep those cavities at bay. Try having a glass of water every alternative drink and eat a healthy meal before you start your festive drink consumption.

  1. Get plenty of sleep

Outings with friends, dinner with family, late night gatherings and much more will keep you occupied this festive season, we know. It gets difficult to turn down requests for a boozy party during this time. But, among the array of festivities, make sure you create a balance between recreation and rest. Try to catch 7-8 hours of sleep to wake up refreshed and recharged the next day.

View our top tips for a better night’s sleep HERE

  1. Remember to smile

Smile! Remember what the festive season is all about; family, friends, having fun and enjoying your time together! Let your happiness be the reason for you to smile, because your smile is the best accessory!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Boulton Dental.

The practice will be closed from Saturday 22nd to Wednesday 2nd January, we forward to seeing you soon.

To book an appointment, please call 4961 6300 or book online

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Oral health survival guide.

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